terça-feira, 7 de junho de 2011

White Collar

Hey people!
Today, I'll talk about 'White Collar'.

In it, Neal Caffrey (Matt Bomer) is a thief that has just scaped a max-security prision, and Peter Burke (Tim DeKay), an FBI agent that had already captured Neal, finds him, and Neal comes back to prision. But this time, Neal gives Burke an important information, but it's like an exchange: Neal gives him the information, and he'll help Burke catch white collar criminals, instead of going back to jail.

This serie is worth it, because besides the cases they got, and the criminals they catch (and some of them wants Neal dead), Neal still looks for his girlfriend, Kate Moreau (Alexandra Daddario) that left him while he was in jail. Some clues leads him to a music box, and with this, to many other people and even more secrets.
Moreover, it's nice to see how Neal and Burke lead with the work and the friendship they desenvolved, but Burke still keeps an eye on Neal, afraid he would go back to his 'old habits'. 

White Collar is aired on Fox, every Thursday at 10 p.m.

                                                                        I hope you enjoy this serie as much as me!

                                   Paula V.

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