sexta-feira, 29 de abril de 2011

Marley & me

This film is based on a novel. It was written by John Grogan.Shows the life of a journalist (Owen Wilson) who, along with his wife (Jennifer Aniston), decide to adopt a dog to get a taste of what being parents! But the dog is terrible does several tricks and turns the life of the couple!
Marley & Me by John is an engaging book. Is a must-read for anyone who has ever loved pet.

I recommend it for anyone  who enjoys a great
and good story:D

They Are Not The Same

Last Wednesday (28) 9 p.m.was released the album "Alegria Compatilhada" by "forfun”. The brazilian band stopped for it.

And finally the album was released. At the same time the official site was closed by the number of accesses, so the download was made ​​available on another page, which also went off the air.
The delay was great, but all the fans come down to the novelty. And finally the conclusion: this is no longer the "forfun”!
Listen to 12 tracks of the bands that I come across more like something totally out of the personality of the band.I  Looked for songs like "Good Trip ", "Sigo o Som ", "Hidropônica" and "Gruvi Quântico" and what  I found was music we could listen in the voice of Jorge Ben Jor!
The band is more and more declining from their origins, the same way it starts happening on the previous album "Polisenso”. And my hopes for the band to return to business as usual is over, no more chances,this "forfun" forgot 2005. And my three years waiting for the new album were in vain.

(A. Claudia Marioto)

Pretty Woman

 "Pretty Woman is a 1990 romantic comedy film.The film features Richard Gere, Julia Roberts and Hector Elizondo. Pretty Woman's a Hollywood prostitute, who is hired by a wealthy businessman, to be his escort for several business and social functions.
 Originally intented to be a dark drama about prostituition in New York, the film stay a critical sucess and became one of 1990's highest grossing films, and today is one of the most financially sucessful entries in the romantic comedy genre, and received a nomination for an Academy Award.
 The film was followed by a string of similar romantic comedy, including 'Runaway Bride' (1999)."
 In my opinion, everyone should watch Pretty Woman someday, because it's a classic and to compare with other romantic comedies and see how the film inspired this other movies.

Text by: Mariana Germiniasi
 Posted by: Karoline de Oliveira

domingo, 24 de abril de 2011

Hi people!!!

This blog is a project for us to learn English in a different way.

We won't post about grammar. We're going to post about news, books, tv series, music and sports, in English, of course!
We hope you enjoy our blog. :)